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Anni the Larcenist.
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Mohamed Nasheed ('Anni') arrested for theft before auction at Mal house of former President Ibrahim Nasir.


Mohamed Nashyd
Mr. Anni

Mal member of Parliament, Mohamed 'Anni' Nasheed has been arrested for allegedly entering Velaanaage [Mal house formerly owned by ex-President Ibrahim Nasir] and taking things without permission, according to the Police Office.

The alleged offences occurred on the morning of 7 October 2001 before an auction of certain items from the house, according to Assistant Police Comissioner Capt. Ibrahim Latheef.

'When Anni began to go through Velaanaage, the person in charge of arrangements told him to stop. Anni was told not to enter the rooms, and he was also told not to take the items home. But he did it anyway,' says Capt. Latheef.'They were found at his house.'

No details were given regarding the items Nasheed is accused of taking.

Capt. Latheef confirmed that the matter was under investigation.

Public Response.

IMA Student: This guy had betrayed us. I voted this fella, hoping to come up with good issues, but the other way around- he turns to be a theif- what a waste.

Housewife: The first parliamentarian in the history of Maldives to be charged with theft, and from former Presidents house. Is he under influence of drugs, may be!

Teacher: He abused his power. A person who cought in broad day light for theft would do much worse things, he should be charged in a criminal court and should be impeached. Do we need this bastard to represent on behalf of us in the parliament....NO WAY...?