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Yameen was abducted by MNDF the Military for no-reason
(Interview below)

As far as I know only people with contagious diseases are isolated".

President of Peoples Alliance (PA) and MP for Mulaku, the

Honourable Abdulla Yameen said that the

Government had kidnapped him and taken him

prisoner on the guise of providing him security.

Yameen was taken by the army last Wednesday

night saying that there are disturbances in Male'

reaching disturbing levels.  He was later transferred to

Aarah in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Speaking to Haveeru on Saturday via a telephone

interview, Yameen clarified that he was captured

against his will by kidnapping him.

"I am now held captive by the security forces and

kept prisoner because they are holding me without

my consent." He explained that he is a prisoner

because he is taken in without a reason and denied

the right to freedom of movement.  "I am at a physical

standstill meaning that I am only allowed to see my

family and my lawyer.  I cannot carry on any of my

political work", exclaimed Yameen who received a

court ruling earlier freeing him; but the Government

holds him in contempt of "trying to overthrow the


Yameen reiterated that he did not believe President

Nasheed has simply isolated him.

"I urge President Nasheed for an explanation how he

can keep me isolated without keeping me in custody.

I only know that isolation is for people with

contagious diseases.  The doctor has not certified

that I have contracted a contagious disease!  There is

no mention of such an isolation in our Constitution.

Therefore, I cannot think of how I can be subjected to

such an isolation constitutionally.

At another instance the President mentioned that I

am a threat to the public.  If so, would you not think

that there should be a judgement upon me?.

Yameen told the reporter that he had even offered to go out of the country for a few days but the army personnel did not accept the offer insisting that he go with them.  At the time of the arrest, he was at

his friend, Hon.Ahmed Nazim's residence.  Nazim is the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament as well as Deputy President of PA.  The army was

determined to even break down the door of his house to get Yameen  according to the warnings they were issuing.  At his point, Yameen went out and he was whisked away against his will.  Said Yameen:  "Of course, I would not wish upon my friend that the door to his house be  broken down making his family vulnerable; which is why I left".

Responding to rumours that he might be poisoned by the army, Yameen replied that he did not for a moment believe that the army will resort  to such a technique adding that he is looked after well apart from being held captive.
The Defence Minister, Amin Faizal, is supposed to have called the Honourable Speaker of the Parliament, Abdulla Shahid offering him security.  Mr. Shahid said that he did not want the army to provide him security at which point Amin hung up.  Note:  Amin, incidentally has not received the parliementary endorsement on taking the oath as the Defence Minister. Mr. Shahid has told the Defence MInister to provide security for  Yameen.  However, Yameen queries how it is possible to provide security for Mr. Shahid by keeping him in Male'.  "If it is not  possible to extend security to me by keeping me in Male', how could  they possibly be giving security to Shahid", asked him in the
rhetoric. "I do not believe that these people will allow me to attend the sessions of the Parliament. All they are concerned with is undermining  the powers of legitimate authorities and undermining the
Constitution". "It was I who first protested when I was asked to present myself to the Presidential Commission because there was no legal binding.  I persevered to hold any such investigations according to the law. Former President followed suit.  I will continue to fight for my constitutional rights so that this will not repeat itself"

(July 16, Male, SLG) In the ongoing political battle between President Mohamed Nasheed and the Majlis, the leader of one of the opposition parties, People's Alliance, Abdulla Yamin was taken into army custody at 1 am yesterday (July 15).

The Maldives armed forces said in a statement released soon after, that Yamin was taken for protective custody after violence broke out near his home between his supporters and MDP activists.

According to hospital sources, a number of people injured in the clashes were taken to hospital including several policemen.

The detained parliamentarian's lawyers this morning filed a case in the criminal court demanding his immediate release. "He was taken against his will," said Azima Shakoor, head of his defence team, "and clearly that's against the law."

Earlier last night, speaking at an MDP public rally attended by President Nasheed, the outspoken leader of MDP parliamentary group, Reeko Moosa, said that if Yamin, Gasim and Nazim were not re-arrested before midnight last night, MDP would establish what he termed as "a people's court" to try those who are accused of corruption.

One foreign diplomat based here commented that it would be yet another departure from democratic practice that the Nasheed regime is planning.

"People are now living in fear," said one prominent lawyer, "they don't know what's going to happen to them. They might be dragged to the police for no reason at all, or their homes may be attacked by pro-government mobs. There's no rule of law any more."

The opposition alliance said that last night's mob attacks on prominent opposition leaders' homes as well as that of speaker of the Majlis, Abdula Shahid, was orchestrated by the MDP leadership.

Hundreds of MDP activists were brought to Male from the outer atolls on government boats, fed and accommodated by the government and then unleashed last night to do the dirty work, said one of the deputy leaders of the main opposition party, DRP.

The mobs roamed about Male till the small hours of this morning, throwing stones at the homes of opposition leaders, judges and the speaker of the Majlis. Several nearby houses also suffered various damages.

Ordinary citizens of Male are furious. Many of them speaking in talk show programmes today said that the president and Reeko Moosa were responsible for these attacks. The government has gone crazy, said one shopkeeper. Whoever heard of a government unleashing unruly mobs to attack ordinary people's homes, he said.